Saturday, August 9, 2008

Little Things That Have No Business Making Me So Happy

1. Morning Glories. I've never planted them before. This year, I read somewhere that they look really cool vining up sunflowers. Now they are vining all over my garden fence, up sunflowers in the front, even up the wild patch of dill that has taken over part of my flower bed. They have taken a while to begin blooming, but they are fantastically cheery, and almost more beautiful because they hide after 11:00am.

2. Cucumbers. I'm on a serious vining kick, with the morning glories, crazy pole beans, and a vining black eyed Susans, but I'm in love with the cucumbers that I've vined around some sunflowers. I've been cautioned that this may kill my sunflowers, but so far they're all growing just fine, and I love the way it looks.

3. Purple Green Beans. They are everyone's favorite. In fact, Maya eats a handful of them raw every time we go outside. They are sweeter than regular green beans, more tender, and incredibly hardy and prolific plants. Plus, they turn green as they cook, so you know exactly when they are the right texture to eat!

4. Elliot in this hat. She looks so grown up!


Erik said...

Hey Sarah,

the right e-mail would help,

Your garden looks great! Watch out those morning glories don't take over everything, they can be a pain to get rid of and they'll spread :-)

Sarah said...

oooh, I love plants that reseed themselves! I didn't know they did that. I have a massive yard to fill up with growing things!

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of your growing skills. I have to admit that you have out-farmed the farmer on your produce. You'll have to send some green beans home with Mom. Doesn't Elliot look alot like her Gramma Bonnie? DAD

Andrea said...

No, Elliot looks a lot like her Auntie, Andrea.

Sarah said...

Perhaps, Auntie Andrea and Grandma share some genese that they BOTH passed on to Elli Rose? Just a thought! LOL (ooh look, my first cyber laugh!).


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