Monday, December 21, 2009

The Holiday Frenzy

We're still baking. We're still assembling glittery crafts. We're still listening to the good, the bad, and the delightfully ridiculous on the all-Christmas-all-the-time radio station. Maya can now sing along with "Grandma got run over by a Reindeer" along with the usual kid classics!

Is it silly to spend weeks in this holiday mode? Most decidedly. Will I look back on these posts, laugh at my former self, and wonder if the nog had been extra spiked that (this) year? I probably will.

Then why?

The answer isn't too hard to guess. We've entered the golden years of Christmas here. Both girls are old enough to understand, enjoy, and participate in the festivities. Maya has helped wrap nearly every present (pardon the corners and excessive tape usage, consider them extra love). They have both helped bake and chocolate dip almost everything in the kitchen, especially their elbows.

They both believe in magic. And Santa. And kindness, though Maya has been taking the lead on the "how can we be kind and show our love to those around us" conversations.

And they both love the idea of presents, too, of course. Their lists are long, but they are easily impressed.

This is such a wonderful time to dote on them, to indulge in Christmas cookies, and tell stories about past Christmas's. My Great-Grandma Alice has come up so often in the past few weeks, Maya now incorporates her into some of her games (mostly bringing her baskets of goodies... I keep waiting for the wolf to show up).

My hope is that by thoroughly embracing the essential holiday feeling now, it will linger with us for the rest of the year, and in future Christmas's when we won't have so much time to revel in it.


Anonymous said...

I'm so touched that you are instilling such good memories in your girls and making candy bar cookies! Everyday I look to your blog for a bit of happiness. Thanks! Love, Aunt Carol

Anna Scott Graham said...

You will be surprised how these touches remain, the sights, sounds and smells of this holiday implanting into young minds that linger far longer than the month of December.

It's a treat for you now, and will be the base of Maya and Elliot's ideas of Christmas in years to come!

Happy Christmas to you all... :)))


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