Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hardy Northern Girls

The high temp today is 14 degrees (F), and the low was just -1. Add that to the 4 or 5 inches of snow on the ground and I can honestly say that it feels like winter.

Finally. After a long summer and a really long fall.

Our hardy northern girls are doing just fine. No, I don't mean Maya, who keeps refusing my requests to go play in the snow for a bit, or Elliot, who is essentially immobilized by her snow gear.

Our chickens are weathering their first winter with ease.

After a finger numbing, nerve frazzling trip to the grocery store, I ran back to the coop fearing the worst. Chickensicles. Or at best, expecting to plug in their heater.

I was truly astounded at the sight of 5 happy hens jumping from one roosting bar to the next, in and out of their nesting boxes. They seemed completely unconcerned by the cold, or the fact that they are literally cooped up.

The coop was actually toasty, thanks to their body heat, a little lamp, and the slightly heated water dish... and of course excellent construction!

We're already mid-way through December and I haven't yet had second thoughts about keeping our ladies year round.

Especially after the Star Tribune's big story about high egg prices and potential fraud on the part of the big egg producers. Is it just cynical to think (as many lawsuits are accusing) that industry leaders are using new environmental regulations to artificially cause dramatic reductions to the hen population, thereby raising prices? After the ugly mess in Illinois, nothing would surprise me?

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