Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Flashes of Dance

For the sake of posterity, here are the girls' most recent dance moves. First it's Elliot in a solo interpretive circle dance, and then you'll see Maya's pre-bedtime impromptu tap performance (with all too-grown-up post-dance commentary).


Bonnie said...

I see big dance productions in the Aadland house this winter!!! Sooo cute... she needs a sparkly outfit to go with the tap shoes!

Anonymous said...

They are both so cute...Maya really has that rhythm down!

Delainey says "hello" or "ooohh oohhh oohhh" is more like it! :)


Anna Scott Graham said...

There is something so perfect about little ones dancing. Magical, simply magical!

Jean Michelle Miernik said...

So adorable! Those videos made me smile. :D

I'm rediscovering the physical and emotional benefits of dance myself. (My only formal background is as a rather unpromising ballerina in first grade.) Now to get in shape and keep my spine strong and flexible (I have scoliosis), I'm taking YouTube lessons in the privacy of my den at home. Hee hee. Silly, but it does wonders for my back and coordination.


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