Wednesday, August 12, 2009

From the Trenches

You won't believe the latest turn of events!

In all honesty, Maya is recovering really well. She had a rough night, mostly because the full doses of her pain killer upset her stomach... a lot. As a result, we backed it off to half doses, and spent a good hour in the wee hours cleaning the carpet. Oh well....

Thankfully, Maya impressed us all this morning. She has spent her time watching movies and sending Grandma after tasty bits from the kitchen. She has eaten non stop, taking about one bite of each dish (from yogurt to peanut butter and jelly to Campbell's Princess soup) and enjoying a Popsicle or two in between.

So why was Grandma doing all the heavy lifting this morning?

About 11 last night, Elliot woke up with a fever. She needed more comfort last night than Maya did. This morning, one look at her steamy, flushed, lethargic little body, and it was pretty clear that something was wrong..

Can you guess what ironic malady stole my baby's energy just when I counted on her to amuse herself a bit?

That's right: STREP THROAT!

So I am mothering from the trenches.

I'm on my own with two girls on the mend, managing various medication schedules and dosages, shifting Elle from one arm to the next, thankful that I've been lifting weights lately.

We're doing fine, of course. The chaos is just comical enough to keep me laughing. They'll both be healthy in a few days, I'm sure, and until then, we'll watch as much Kipper and Wild Thornberrys as they want.

It does make me wonder, though, if our efforts to keep Maya entertained over the weekend at the zoo and the water park may not have been the best idea.

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