Neither had I, really, until Joe asked Maya what she wanted to accomplish on her last few days of being three.
Birthday Week officially began yesterday. As is our family tradition, the week is packed with fun activities, a little ceremony, and too many sweets. Today we're baking two kinds of birthday muffins, so that each day can start with "cake" and candles. Tomorrow Maya will sport the birthday Crown at class and secure the eternal adoration of her classmates by bringing snacks and party favors to the last day of preschool. Later this week we'll have an adventure day, a pool party, a visit to Como Zoo, and camping trip at Gooseberry Falls. It just doesn't get more exciting than that... and I imagine our almost-4-year-old is at least as enthusiastic as I am.

With four days left until she's four year's old, Maya has set one goal for herself. Much to Joe's surprise, her last task as a three-year-old is...
Wait for it...

"I want mom to teach me to do the dishes every day all week."

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