Our garden has been in since Memorial Day, when Joe doggedly completed the fence. For some reason, every year I'm pleasantly surprised when all of those little seeds pop up as potential feasts. Maybe it's something about the mystery of life, that those specks can contain an entire living thing... or maybe it's just my own skepticism about how accurately I followed the planting instructions.
Whatever the reason, Maya and I have been circling the garden fence daily, enthusiastically monitoring our growing things. Now that everything has proven its will to thrive in spite of a cold soggy spring, tiny feet, and sloppy rows, I'm beginning to wonder if I haven't over done it just a bit.
Keep in mind that this farm-in-the-city is a 15 minute drive from downtown Minneapolis, not on a hobby farm in the ex-urbs.
Every year my enthusiasm during the planting stage wanes as the weeds encroach. Now I look at that massive garden and my two busy girls and say a quiet good bye to any nap-time lull I thought I would get this summer.
Not true, not true. The beauty of having a giant backyard in the summer is that all of the neighbor kids want to play over here. Maya is thoroughly entertained by the antics of three 8-year-old boys and their pre-teen sister who loves to make Elliot giggle. As soon as this rain lets up, I'll have just enough time to pull weeds and train the pole beans up the crazy-looking tee pees Joe built while the big kids distract my girls.
**Coop update! Joe (with a little of my help) built the floor of the coop this weekend. Slooowly, this project is going forward. We're headed to South Dakota for the first couple of weeks in July, so we don't plan to adopt our chickens until we return. We'll keep you posted!
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